Embedded Software Development
AutoTEC provides worldclass and defence standard products through amalagamation of Software, Hardware, FPGA and Firmware working together with desired results. We also provide operable and portable embedded software solutions which can fit with any device. AutoTEC has proven track record for devloping next-gen systems and devices using embedded system architecture, custom embedded system development, firmware development services, middleware development for commercial and defence devices. We also develop IoT based solutions using global defence standards.
We Develop
AutoTEC is a one-stop solution provider for all embedded software needs, we develop adaptable software for various hardware components that deliver final solution. Our embedded software development team aims in empowering latest hardware products by enabling them to work with desired accuracy and efficiency. We adhere to all software product lifecycle standards at all levels of development. We have developed embedded software solutions for majority of microcontrollers and microprocessors.
Our Services Include
Focus Areas
RTOS Development
We have extensive hands-on experience in developing firmware for applications that demand real-time response. The real-time operating systems (RTOS) we've worked with include FreeRTOS, VxWroks and other RTOS operating systems. RTOS significantly speeds up the process of firmware development.
Non-OS based Embedded Firmware
When an embedded device needs to run a set of tasks forever or until the power supply is removed, we develop embedded C applications without an OS. The Non-OS based embedded firmware execution runs the tasks in an infinite loop.
Bare Metal Firmware for Sensors
We develop embedded software for devices, sensors, and systems working without an operating system. Such firmware interacts directly with the hardware, captures sensor data, and transfers it to the cloud – in real time or at pre-set intervals.
Integrating APIs
Being experts in Embedded Software, we can also help with traditional web, cloud-based apps, mobile, desktop and as well as IoT solutions. We can also help in integrating web based APIs with the current application upon feasiblity study.
Platform Migration
We have successfully accomplished migrations between various platforms from legacy and unsuccessful technologies to latest Windows, Android, Linux platforms. We also provide constant support for the developed applications and products.
Our Process

Key Skill Areas